Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

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Re: Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

Post by Queen »

Niin no, sitä tuossa aiemmin harmittelin.
Toisaalta kukaanhan ei voi sanoa, mihin ne viittaavat, koska kukaan ei ole aukottomasti selvittänyt tätä "salakirjoitusta".
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Re: Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

Post by skoune »

Queen wrote: 23.2.2022 9.09 Niin no, sitä tuossa aiemmin harmittelin.
Toisaalta kukaanhan ei voi sanoa, mihin ne viittaavat, koska kukaan ei ole aukottomasti selvittänyt tätä "salakirjoitusta". ... n-man-code

According to the new OKCIR report, the mysterious code appearing on the back page of a first edition copy of Edward FitzGerald’s The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam—found months following the death of The Somerton Man in South Adelaide, Australia, on Dec. 1, 1948—was a suicide contemplation and planning note he was poetically drafting for himself in the form of a quatrain on the back of his copy of The Rubaiyat, giving a gist of why and how he planned to carry out a deliberately mystery-laden suicide as his last dance for a lasting life. The code was the creative DNA of his suicide plot.

It was written in the ‘Tamám Shud’ transliteration style—in this case not from Persian, but from Arabic with which The Somerton Man must have been familiar, either natively due to coming ancestrally from the ethnically diverse and widely multilingual Russian Caucasus and/or by training and education. In other words, the ‘Tamám Shud’ torn-out piece found in TSM’s fob pocket not only served as a bread crumb lead to his suicide note, it also offered the key to the code’s deciphering.
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Re: Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

Post by Queen »

Niin, luin tämän jo aiemmin. Voi se noinkin olla, mutta minusta selvitys ei vaikuttanut kovin vakuuttavalta. Tiedä sitten.
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Re: Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

Post by skoune »

Queen wrote: 23.2.2022 9.09 Niin, luin tämän jo aiemmin. Voi se noinkin olla, mutta minusta selvitys ei vaikuttanut kovin vakuuttavalta. Tiedä sitten.
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Re: Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

Post by -Uta- »

Somerton man (Image restoration of Somerton Man (aged 40–45)

Robin McMahon Thomson


UPDATE ON THE (ELUSIVE) “H. C. REYNOLDS”… ... c-reynolds
28 February 1918 H. C. Reynolds identity card issued.


The hot cipher mystery news from Australia a few days ago was the intriguing suggestion that a certain “H. C. Reynolds” might well have been the “Unknown Man” found on Somerton Beach on 1st December 1948 (AKA the “Tamam Shud” case). A couple of intrepid Cipher Mysteries readers decided to see what they could find out about this mysterious person: all they had to go on was a US seaman’s ID card dated 28th February 1918, which may or may not be genuine…
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Re: Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

Post by Queen »

Mielenkiintoinen tuo olettamus. Kyllä Horace Raynolds voisi hyvin sopia, ellei hän sitten tosiaan ole kuollut vasta 50-luvulla.
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Re: Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

Post by skoune »

-Uta- wrote: 12.3.2022 8.08 ...

The hot cipher mystery news from Australia a few days ago was the intriguing suggestion that a certain “H. C. Reynolds” might well have been the “Unknown Man” found on Somerton Beach on 1st December 1948 (AKA the “Tamam Shud” case). A couple of intrepid Cipher Mysteries readers decided to see what they could find out about this mysterious person: all they had to go on was a US seaman’s ID card dated 28th February 1918, which may or may not be genuine…
Onko tämä uutinen vuodelta 2012?
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Re: Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

Post by -Uta- »

^Uutinen on tavallaan jatkoa Härän (by härkä » Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:47 pm) linkittämälle uutiselle AMAZING NEWS ON THE UNKNOWN MAN… ... 6&start=50



Cars in the era of the 1940s commonly had their windows open and this may provide the mechanism as to how the book arrived in John Freeman’s car.
A Hillman Minx car.
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Re: Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

Post by skoune »

-Uta- wrote: 12.3.2022 21.21 ^Uutinen on tavallaan jatkoa Härän (by härkä » Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:47 pm) linkittämälle uutiselle AMAZING NEWS ON THE UNKNOWN MAN… ... 6&start=50



Cars in the era of the 1940s commonly had their windows open and this may provide the mechanism as to how the book arrived in John Freeman’s car.
A Hillman Minx car. ... nknown-man

kuten näkyy, niin tämä uutinen oli vuodelta 2011. Ja nyt on 2022.
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Re: Somertonin mies ja salainen viesti 1948

Post by Queen »

Tottahan uutisoinnit vanhoja ovat, kun mitään uutta ei tietääkseni ole kuulunutkaan tästä yli 70 v vanhasta mysteeristä.
Jos on uutta, toivottavaa on, että ne laitetaan tähän ketjuun myöskin. Mutta nämä vanhatkin uutisoinnit ja muut jutut ovat mielenkiintoisia. Mm. tämä Utan edellä linkittämä juttu herätti itsessä heti pari asiaa, joita olen tutkaillut.
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